Thursday, 21 December 2023

delicious rice

I recommend this rice - it's proper rice from the Indian store.

HOWEVER the usual double-stitch is a quad-stitch (or something) so you have to pull threads on BOTH sides to get it to come away - if they're not pulled in sync it locks up. Amazing!

Monday, 11 December 2023

egyptian walking onion


egyptian walking onion

also a young tagasaste and a Polpo Kornuda mural in Dunedin, just coming into summer


they have a nice smokey Turkish flavour and cook fast.

the bulbs can replant or are good as onion when camping.

the stems are good too but have a shelf life of one day.
    a tad slimy while cutting lengthwise then across with an easier to cut leafy green underneath.

adds another dimension to any other onion in a meal.


slugs wander up them (and do nothing) so it's easy to snort them up.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

predator nematodes

heard of nematoden?

they might save your plant some day.

good nematode

looks like a goodie.

the pink one
nicer than
the yellow (cruelly thin and the colour of bad chemistry)
  which it is about to take a bite of?

bad spider mite

they suck life out of the host

their webbings can end up in cannabis flowers as drammatically as this:

would be eaten by nematoden

Sunday, 19 November 2023

postgres + the state of NZ!?

so far away is this beach... But not for long!

 Postgres is the nice database - where you can play with vast quantities of qualities.

After installing it:

$ sudo adduser s postgres

And several other steps, I trailed off towards an immutable pseudo-ipfs store and so does this blogpost.

Hows NZ?

By the way, kiwis made housing a luxury item...
What kind of stupid country does this as their main economy?

Why yes, stupid cars make a stupid world.
The proper countries in North Europe have been discussing the need to reject cars completely for space to make sense for humans.
Making sense is about being good for the inhabitants.
  Without threatening noises, fumes, physics, finance...
It's a bike lane sized world.
  Hobbiton's lanes.

I just moved someone's stuff,
none of it was more than 600 wide in the narrowest direction!
So perhaps we can assume a 1600 wide cycle lane can have two such vehicles pass each other...
What can be done with modular ebike clusters!
  Getting the battery exchange going somewhere, to some standard...

The property industry is toxic in New Zealand. Not even bringing anything innovative or productive to the economy all about hoarding wealth by speculating on human shelter.

more on moving someone's stuff,
   her new place is too close to the highway and smells like some kind of urine
   vast stretches of the shells we live in go without much care for several ages
   Mark says please, something about the young not wanting to work
    which leads to immigration, to keep everyone earning that sweet sweet 2%
    I'm happy dilute NZ's Britishness
      they seem to be mostly big project people in waiting
    tense fuckers bat around.
        I feel like gazing out from the drivewayside until I really feel ready to drive home,
        but those tense fuckers are so fucking tense apparently, wouldn't wanna.
        no chill for me -> more tense fuckers.
    glimpsed, though, the velvet waxy green, slung with two wires

Anyway back to NZ,
Most farmers can’t just start selling milk out of their homes. Things need to be quality tested and controlled.

We would need to loosen legislation to bring costs of manufacturing and distribution down for small to medium farms. 

 Obviously loosening rules is dodgy. How about...

gondolas cure the slavery of distance?

We have to do something creative to fundamentally improve things, right?

This animation is lovingly crafted by Natalie. You can see the expert grandmotherliness.
Watch out for the cheesy freeware-jazz soundtrack. I must have rushed it out of the factory, but in my defence our gear's all munted and that last bit of polish can take years.


Oh yeah, the ropeway!

the cars
 in this system
 make no fuss upon the ground
 just a human bird passing somewhere predictable.
How ideal. 
Just steel on steel, 
    no drugging clouds of rubber dust etc

People say it would look weird.
Have you seen anything around here? 

Nobody is going to put a gondola across that, only up to it.
 That will be the political struggle of the future.
 It will become a drama of plants and views.

The several things on a line motif gets around some more.

TODO: Someone has to find the cache of embryo-goers and decide to follow through on the project,  which should be easy by then!
  sort what it is in thing-space, for entropy.
  bringing death circuitry to the metaphysical world (the mind) and letting it play out.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

a Svelte layout (not flex)

from the Japanese Hell scroll

I am researching for a new layout:

.container { 
flex-flow: column wrap;

column|row        items stack across|down

wrap|nowrap        items dont|do squish into the first line

.item { align-self: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch;

this does for an item what you may also do to all items via .container { align-content: $those }

    so I guess you could make things cling to the ceiling, float in the middle, then sit on the floor...

I might have missed something there...

What I really want is a big left+right division,

and for the insides of those two panes to be bigger than the gap, in a gap-conscious way

it is easy to scroll a pane around I believe...

Putting things in panes (ie, the above flex scheme) is probably not A-conomical.

All the A.3 should be at the same level, be positioned absolutely.

I just want 2-pane layout... So I need a draggable handle...

Rearrangable list of things This is not quite it and doesn't show the source with the all the guts in.

Scalable-movable box Again doesn't show the source, seems to collapse into the top left corner.

abandoning the research

I opt for the classic absolute bicameral:

With a DJknob to adjust their sizes.

let sizer = 50

<div class="mi fathandle" style="left:0%;width:{sizer}%;">
<span on:click={() => more = !more}>{#if more}no {/if}more?</span>
{#if more}
<CompileLite />

<Diring t="Direr" />

<PlayDramatics />

<button on:click={() => overdub()}> req! </button>
<button on:click={() => bang()}></button>
<Savable C={save} t='Codestate' {resume}/>
<Codemirror {code} bind:this={cm} on:kommit={kommit} />
{#if look}<Coning t="Le-look" C={look} style=display:block />{/if}

<span style="position:fixed; top:1em; right: min(calc(100% - {sizer}%), calc(100% - 2rem)); z-index:500">
<Knob bind:value={sizer} min=0 max=100 step=2 size="2rem" />

<div class="mi" style="left:{sizer}%;width:{100-sizer}%;">
{#if graph}
<Graph {graph} />
.mi {
div {
span {

And elsewhere my usual copper-handling:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 1.5em;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 1em;
background: url(copper_anodes.jpg);
//box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
//box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
border-radius: 1em;
.fathandle::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
width: 3.14em;
border-radius: 0.8em;
overflow: scroll;
.fathandle::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 3.14em;
height: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.8em;
overflow: scroll;
biggroup {
border: 1em solid salmon;
border-radius: 5em;
display: block;
max-width: calc(100% - 2em);

Your copper_anodes.jpg:

Note this:
   right: min(calc(100% - {sizer}%), calc(100% - 2rem));

The min() CSS function lets you set the smallest (most negative) value from a list of comma-separated expressions as the value of a CSS property value. The min() function can be used anywhere a <length> , <frequency> , <angle> , <time> , <percentage> , <number> , or <integer> is allowed.

Places the adjuster knob on the middle fathandle.

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Codemirror+Lezer -> Cytoscape 2

Here's a little revision:

Cytoscape.js is unsmoothed by garden variety TLC. Its attendance has probably been a series of academic idea space grabs deep in the theory.

Looking around, here are some compound nodes and some ink flowing yay far downstream, nice concept. Apparently this has something to do with biology. You can almost see the frog legs here:
Specified how we do, more or less:

And another, again with given positions:

Another layout:fcose compound graph.

Then I notice an error from this line: = C_to_node(target).id;

It seems an IOing was found via .node.parent: outward through the grammar but not climb to the whole line, so perhaps we're not doing the latter right...

In Code.svelte I stop look->graph causing the error:
function whatsup(view) {
look = whatsthis(view.state)
save = look.y.state
//graph = graphwhats(look)
// look = graph
to get a look at C:look**:

We found no IOing, only IOness... Also no IOpath or Leg

The grammar says:
IOing[@dynamicPrecedence=10] { IOness ' ' ~IOpath }
IOpath { Leg ("/" Leg)* }
Leg { Sigil? Name }
A bunch of that is wrong!
Eg ~IOpath means an ambiguity marker named IOpath, not an ambiguous IOpath.

Looking Around

An effective visual!
I load my grammar and text in and this comes up:

Looking at the source, my stho.ts now also takes on the classic STDERR-capturing pattern:

let parser
let warnings = capture_warnings(
() => parser = buildParser(grammar)
export const sthoLanguage = LRLanguage.define({
// ...

// for EditorState.create extensions[]
export function stho() {
let lang = new LanguageSupport(sthoLanguage)
warnings and lang.warnings = warnings
return lang

// ta
function capture_warnings(y) {
const warnings: any[] = [];
const stash = console.warn;
console.warn = (w) => warnings.push(w);
console.warn = stash;
return warnings.length && warnings

And here's how we instantiate that. So it can change we put it in a Compartment
  export let lang = langs[0];
let language = new Compartment();
// the lang are functions that return a LanguageSupport, maybe with .warnings
let lang_itself = lang()
let setlang = (lang) => {
lang_itself = lang()
view.dispatch({ effects: language.reconfigure(lang_itself) });

let startState = EditorState.create({
doc: value,
extensions: [

And then dump any warnings:
{#if lang_itself.warnings}
<Coning t="Warnings from buildParser()" C={lang_itself.warnings} noC=1 style="background-color:#3e1e0e"/>

I wish style was a working property on components...
So I go into Coning.svelte:
<script lang="ts">
export let style = ''
// ...

<biggroup style={style}>
<!-- ... -->

The data dumper is very text color opinionated.
If it was careful about spacey text, and shading the edge of rogue large boxes (of layout), we could easily do without all these borders, and have a tidy infinite list going on.

Looks okay for a warning.
The grammar has some noise from where I was trying to solve something.
Removing the tilde (~) from this line fixes the first three:
IOing[@dynamicPrecedence=10] { IOness ' ' ~IOpath }
We will later see that ~this means an ambiguity marker named 'this', you don't just put a tilde on some token or it would stop being a token and cut off part of your grammar, as these warnings imply.

And SunpitHead is not a token, so I take it out of here:
@precedence {Number, Title, Sunpitness, IOness, SunpitHead, Name}

We are now Warningsable!

Back To It


That grammar change lets us find everything.
But hang on, what about those ⚠?

Around Again

We could define a linter to pick up those ⚠, which should find non-compliant string for us!
import {syntaxTree} from "@codemirror/language"
import {linter} from '@codemirror/lint'
export function simpleLezerLinter() {
return linter(view => {
const {state} = view
const tree = syntaxTree(state)
if (tree.length === state.doc.length) {
let pos = null
tree.iterate({enter: n => {
if (pos == null && n.type.isError) {
pos = n.from
return false

if (pos != null)
return [{from: pos, to: pos+1, severity: 'error', message: 'syntax error'}]

return []
And we use it in Codemirror.svelte:
import { stho,simpleLezerLinter } from "$lib/lang/stho"
// ...
let startState = EditorState.create({
// ...
extensions: [
// ...
// ...
And now this turns up!
It knows nothing much, because how would you explain the problem of applying a grammar?
If we select the whole line
The graph says...

Seems the error breaks Line in two, it is eventually called a Name.
I fix the grammar:
Now not only does the red squiggly go away:
Also the 'S o ...' has become an IOing, rather than a Title!
Selecting that text:
Shows us we still have ⚠
Maybe they're zero-width?
s.y.state = i_(s,save_selection_state(state))
parentc&no_node = 1
textc&no_node = 1
each t,from,to,C tft_C {
if (t == '⚠') {
$width = c& - c&range.from
!width and console.warn("zero-width syntax error: ",{C,range:c&range})
Yes, two... One character after our selection starts, and two characters after our selection ends...

Hmm... There at the end of whatsthis() we don't have an obvious place to send such info...

whatsthis() makes waves of loose bits of info 
mostly about the graph to build 
but also, saving the selection state of the editor is a C-cmglance 
which may end up being the few-second moment-mounds we grind out from the user's thrashing things through the viewport.

But that's kind of sidetracking... We can use the "inside" dir to locate the ⚠ itself:
It's right there...
There it is! Between two lines in the first character on the line...
Weirdly, I wouldn't consider this as having selected Name ("yapto") yet:
Perhaps my climb to the whole line code is dodgy.
Even weirder, adding a space causes a SunpitHead! What.

I guess the ⚠ is about failing to find a Sunpitness token (the "S").

Similarly, our Line fails to find "\n" before needing another Line, several times...
Any time it needs more than one space!
Now this:
Smooths everything out, and the Comment comes alive:
Except "S o yeses..." does a SunpitHead (with underlining since tagged with t.heading1) rather than IOing again

From the lezer docs,
problems with it will be thrust upon you:
The error says "shift/reduce conflict" at expression "+" expression · "+"
is for going left or right on eg "1 + 1 + 1" with the schema "expr {expr '+' expr}" 

I guess it will be clear to you once you have that error.


To explicitly allow Lezer to try multiple actions at a given point, you can use ambiguity markers.

These markers, aka ~ GLR markers, are because the parser has to decide whether it is parsing a GoodStatement or a BadStatement

Apparently we must switch to using GLR parsing to accept both of them since the leading edge looks the same.

Interestingly I tried this example out, more or less, and this doesn't have any problems here:
It is only once we break up those trailing tokens:
Then a nice big error happens:
So we jam in some ~flugal and voila!
Normalcy again.
I wonder if we could make an actual permanent for-real ambiguity
And I notice what seems like a zero-width warning!
But I'm not seeing any on the console...
Sacre bleu! Svelte must have unplugged my warnings-gobbler... No, it looks okay:
Using it was:
let parser
let warnings = capture_warnings(
() => parser = buildParser(grammar)
Which must have just blown up at some point.
I refresh the page, having been HMRing for hours now! Yay.
It's back to how it was, showing every ⚠ I can reach from doing my  thing on my codemirror selection.
Lets use a finally block:
try {
} catch (error) {
console.warn = originalWarn;
} finally {
console.warn = originalWarn; 

I sabotage my grammar now, so we can ensure...
// if stho fails to build, just get something on screen so diag can happen
// we would just use @codemirror/lang-javascript, but its object is unwritable!?
function stho_substitute() {
let parser = buildParser(
`@tokens { else { ![\n] } }
@top Program { (Lie* "\n")* }
Lie { else }
let Language = LRLanguage.define({
parser: parser.configure({})
return new LanguageSupport(Language)
// for EditorState.create extensions[]
export function stho() {
if (!sthoLanguage) {
// it failed in buildParser, with a message
!hak(warnings) and debugger
let lang = stho_substitute()
warnings.unshift("Failed to buildParser()")
lang.warnings = warnings
return lang
let lang = new LanguageSupport(sthoLanguage)
warnings and lang.warnings = warnings
return lang
it looks empty:
Until I think up this:
// Errors do not make their properties iterable, somehow
// perhaps this should go into Con's data climbing code, if s instanceof Error
function iterable_error(error) {
// but we can write new properties!
error.says = error.message
error.pile = error.stack.split("\n")
I undo my sabotage,
we are back to seeing an ambiguous Flug turn into a Flugamata and a ⚠

Then I add a dynamicPrecedence!
Flug { Flugenzoid | Flugamata }
Flugenzoid[@dynamicPrecedence=33] { "[" Flugenzoidia "]" "+" }
Flugenzoidia { "y" ~flugal }
Flugamata { "[" Flugamatatola "]" "=" }
Flugamatatola { "y" ~flugal }

So ambiguous Flug turn into a Flugenzoid and a ⚠

Applying dynamicPrecedence to Sunpit...
Is ineffectual.
I begin to make Flug a little more like Sunpit:
Flug { Flugenzoid | Flugamata }
Flugenzoid[@dynamicPrecedence=10] { "[" Flugenzoidia "]" "+" }
Flugenzoidia { Name ~flugal }
Flugamata { "[" Flugamatatola "]" "=" }
Flugamatatola { Title ~flugal }

And the dynamicPrecedence stops working!
It defaults to being a Flugamata again.

If I switch Name+Title for IOness+Title,
Flug { Flugenzoid | Flugamata }
Flugenzoid { "[" Flugenzoidia "]" }
Flugenzoidia { IOness ~flugal }
Flugamata[@dynamicPrecedence=9] { "[" Flugamatatola "]" }
Flugamatatola { Name ~flugal }

Text such as "[i]" and "[o]" become Flugenzoid but not "[u]" etc

Why lies in this subset of the tokens definition:
@tokens { 
    Title { nonnl+ }
    Name { (@asciiLetter | "_")+ (@asciiLetter | "_" | @digit)* }
IOness { "i" | "o" } 
@precedence {IOness, Number, Title, Sunpitness, Name}

We are favouring the IOness tokens found via Flugenzoid over the Name tokens found via Flugamata!

And, surprise, I doctored that order since we last saw it, and now the Sunpits go IOing or Heading perfectly!

So supposedly ambiguity only arises if token precedence in parallel paths is neutral?
And I hope I never get a rogue token deep in there pulling precedence awry...

Anyway, what is this!?
I go off and change this to this:
places = uniq(places).sort((a,b) => a-b)

You know.

Now when Heading starts with an "o", the @tokens/@precedence kicks in and it becomes a failed IOing, then (improvising recovery) a Name... Fair enough.

But lets make IOing and Sunpitness tokens a little further away by including the following space:
@tokens {
    IOness { "i " | "o " }
    Sunpitness { "S " } 

Just having the space out here is not enough, it needs to be of a @precedence'd token.
    IOing { IOness " " IOpath  }

We now, in a Sunpit, need "o " before assuming a broken IOing.

And that's basically how it works.

Now we're here.

Of the two selected nodes,
that Leg only comes from the C:parent-cycat, climbing from that Name.

Of the Name,Leg,Name,Leg,Name sequence,
  which is inside the selection
 and looking at the grammar supposedly there:
    IOpath { Leg ("/" Leg)* }
    Leg { Sigil? Name }

This is capturing the Leg/Name-ness at all (ie, Name being inside Leg)
it is somehow bumping into Leg when we through to the "/" characters between the Names.

Obviously, my climb to the whole line code is dodgy.

How do other people do it? How do we fix it?

codewitchbella's Lezer playground really communicates:
With colours...
IOpath's chartreuse is visible on the "/" between Legs
Leg's fleshtone is always covered up by Name (and Sigil "#")
a limit! 
to how much you can say just painting text, before complicatedly stacking the blobs of colour, so their existence is fully communicated...
With shape...
Simple syntax node business. 
Legs wrapped around the Name. 
The empty Line. 
No text! 
It would throw off the shape of course. Artist talk.

The latter is done like this:

const parser = buildParser(grammar);
# ...
const parsed = parser.parse(value);
# ...
<code className="hljs">{prettyfi(parsed.toString())}</code>
# ...
function prettyfi(tree: string) {
const lines = tree
.replace(/([(,])/g, "$1\n")
.replace(/[)]/g, "\n)")
let indent = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.endsWith(")") || line.endsWith("),")) indent--;
lines[i] = " ".repeat(indent * 2) + line;
if (line.endsWith("(")) indent++;
return lines.join("\n");

I had no idea about .toString()!
It's not in the docs.

"you must find the most important problem in your field, and play whatever games necessary to solve it" Richard Hamming You and Your Research🔗

But this is:
next(enter⁠?: boolean = true) → boolean

Move to the next node in a pre-order traversal, going from a node to its first child or, if the current node is empty or enter is false, its next sibling or the next sibling of the first parent node that has one.

Which sounds like squiggly traversal, so this kind of interpretation:
$cursor = tree.cursorAt(about.from, 1)
# ...
# inside, right
$found_nl = 0
$where = inside
next: cu =>,
# break: cu => cu.from >,
each: &cu,d{
$str = getstr(cu)
where == right && str.includes("\n") and found_nl = 1
found_nl and return d.not = true

cu.from > and where = right

Misses a Leg, and misses the Leg/Name-ness

Some more docs
Tree.cursorAt(posnumber, ...)
Get a tree cursor pointing into this tree at the given position and side (see moveTo.
moveTo(posnumberside⁠?: -1 | 0 | 1 = 0) → TreeCursor

Move the cursor to the innermost node that covers pos. If side is -1, it will enter nodes that end at pos. If it is 1, it will enter nodes that start at pos.

That is a reasonable first move:
$cursor = tree.cursorAt(about.from, 1) 

Also, apparently cursor.node.cursor() is how you clone a cursor, and cloning is cheap, so don’t bother moving a cursor back.

# start with a point
$cursor = tree.cursorAt(about.from, 1)
cursor.firstChild() and throw "cursorAt() should seek all the way in to a point"
# now zoom out to the Line
$parent = i_(s,C_('parent','-cycat',{da:{dir:1}}))
$toLine = cursor.node.cursor()
# for cursor.movers() that return false if no move, so we stop
next: (cu,d) => cu.parent(),
each: (cu,d) => {
nod(parent,cu) == 'Line' and d.not = 1
}) != 'Line' and debugger

# go a few Lines ahead and back
$around = i_(s,C_('around','-cycat',{da:{dir:1}}))
direction == '' and return nod(around,toLine)
next: (cu,d) => cu[direction](),
each: (cu,d) => {
d.d > 1 and nod(around,cu)
d.d > Line_context and d.not = 1

Lets add direction!
No, first lets look at these Fatshedera, who get spritzed with garlic juice:

Those black dots are bugs.
6:42, run off to the wool party because it's Friday night in Dunedin, New Zealand...
Back at 9:42

Lets add direction!
// and their alignment constraints
$leinri = i_(s,C_('left-inside-right','-cycons',{type:'relativePlacementConstraint',axis:'vertical'}))
map(&n{ i_(leinri,n) }, o_(around))
$leinri = i_(s,C_('left-inside-right','-cycons',{type:'alignmentConstraint',axis:'vertical'}))
map(&n{ i_(leinri,n) }, o_(around))
Version 1.
I keep the dir around because otherwise,

Lets fill out some middle ground:
// fill in each Lines
# this one is deep claiming all -nodules for its structure
# the rest is all s/*:dir/*:qua
$Tree = i_(s,C_('Tree','-cytree'))
# bulges in the middle
$distance = i - Linesc&middle
distance < 0 and distance *= -1
$dl = distance < 1 ? null : 4
$go = nc&leznode.cursor()
console.log(" Line "+i+" is "+distance+" so "+dl)

itelez(go,{C:Tree,each: &no,d{
$z = nod(d.C,no)

dl && d.d > dl and d.not = 1

The docs encourage checking out what happens.
This was happening for a while::

I clear up some assumptions:
  • It visits (enters) the first node, where go already is.
    • ie, we give it d.C = C:Tree at the top
      • and then Line etc attach via nod(d.C,no)
  • You call iterate() once, then it calls your callbacks.
  • To stop going in, return false, because of this strict comparison: enter(this) !== false
  • $no = cur.node are stationary
    • ie, they can be stored on to hold its location
    • the cur is the original TreeCursor again, as it moves around
And a confusion:
  • The cursor moves before enter but after leave
    • so as a final leave() sanity check: != no.parent and debugger
Anyway, it's now going fine. I lost some of my writing around here but here's the abstractor:
# gives you a (syntaxnode,d)** traversal, scoped to the given TreeCursor
$itelez = &cur,d{
$scope = cur.node.cursor()
d.t ||= d.C?.t || 'top'
d.d ||= 1 = cur.node
d.path = [d.t]
$not = 0
$verbose = 0
verbose && console.log("d.path scope: \t"+scope.from+"-"
$enter = &cur,{
$was = d
$no = cur.node
no.from >= and not = 1
verbose && no.from >= and console.log("d.path: "+slant([...d.path,])+" from>to! "+cur.from+"-"
not and return false
!d.d and debugger

# d cloned for the new place
d = ex({},d,{up:d,no})
# relying on you to set d.t here
d.each && d.each(no,d)

d.path = [...d.path,d.t]
verbose && console.log("d.path: "+slant(d.path)+" --> \t"+cur.from+"-"
if (d.not) {
# don't want to go in
verbose && console.log("d.path: "+slant(d.path)+" no further")
# and iterate() will not call leave
d = d.up
!d and debugger
return false
return 1
$leave = &cur,{
$was = d
$no = cur.node
not and return
# we should be tracking this on d**
# is also d.C.c.leznode != no and debugger
d = d.up
!d and debugger
verbose && console.log("d.path: "+slant(d.path)+" <--")
d.d == 1 and return != no.parent and debugger

Perhaps I should call it once and scope it to the range of all the Lines ...
I give Tree/*/*/* some style:
selector: 'node[class="ayefour"]',
style: {
'width': '90',
'height': '70',
'background-color': 'saddlebrown',
selector: 'node[class="ayethree"]',
style: {
'width': '70',
'height': '90',
'background-color': 'chocolate',
selector: 'node[class="ayetwo"]',
style: {
'width': '70',
'height': '50',
'background-color': 'goldenrod',

// and their alignment constraints
$verticality = &tNc{
c ||= {order:1,align:1}
if (c.order) {
$leinri = i_(s,C_(t+'-order','-cycons',{type:'relativePlacementConstraint',axis:'vertical'}))
map(&n{ i_(leinri,n) }, N)
if (c.align) {
$leinri = i_(s,C_(t+'-align','-cycons',{type:'alignmentConstraint',axis:'vertical'}))
map(&n{ i_(leinri,n) }, N)
#verticality('Lines', o_(Lines))

# align a bit of Tree/Line/*/* too
$h = {}
o_path(Tree,['Tree','Line','a']) .map(({Line,a}) => {
# make a /b? leg on the above
}, o_(a))
$classes = ['ayefour','ayethree','ayetwo']
$classes_add = &nk{
$da = nc&da ||= {}
if (!isar(da.classes)) {
da.classes = da.classes ? da.classes.split(" ") : []
each iN h {
verticality('Tree-layer-'+i, uniq(N), )

$cla = classes.shift()
map(n => classes_add(n,cla),N)

Version 3?
and layout:dagre:

Tree/Line* have a notch filter: 
# bulges in the middle
$distance = i - Linesc&middle
distance < 0 and distance *= -1
$dl = distance < 1 ? null : 2

So when we go down to the Flug:

One of the Lines isn't being styled. o_path() of course requires rows to have all given columns - which are really just levels in the tree.
Another recursion method:
# align a bit of Tree/Line/*/* too
$h = {}
!d.d || d.d > 3 and return

I suspect syntax nodes should not edge to text of a deeper syntax node.
    It can get wooly:

So lets:

# establish a dominant syntaxnode, for fewer edge:te
$ow = nc&owner
!ow || ows&depth < s&depth and nc&owner = C

We could also collect them all and give closer coupling to the deepest ones via Divisor to compute edge forces, but lets not.

The slinking around of the text is better.

Perhaps I could do with a left-of constraint down Tree/**, except the deepest node or two?

In layout:dagre it shows improved subsidiarity now syntax roots are not claiming so much text:
And part of a layout:klay:

Lets align the Lines!
# align Line//textnodes
$texts = []
map(([C,n]) => {
C == Line and texts.push(n)

texts.length < 2 and return

horizontality("Line-"+i, texts)

Disconnected islands of this along the Lines alignment.
And manages to tangle itself.

Lets add the Line to the text alignment:
horizontality("Line-"+i, [Line,...texts])
# ignore all \n
grop(([C,n]) => {
n.t == '「\\n」' and return nc&no_node = 1

Without text alignment, only left-right order:
horizontality("Line-"+i, [Line,...texts],{order:1})
# edges along texts
$texord = i_(s,C_('text order'+i,'-cyedge',{da:{class:'along',label:'ne'}}))
map(&n{ i_(texord,n) }, texts)
Is not great:

It seems this graph doesn't have much to gain from being a graph.
Here's this:
# also, make an indented name pile
graph.nodetree = ''
# not the container C:Tree
d.d < 1 and return
graph.nodetree += indent(d.d)+s.t+"\n"
{#if graph?.nodetree}

This could use the &Piing system to crunch an okay boxy layout to give lots of Codemirror decorations... 

Let's not forget (some of) the bugs we squashed while doing this:

The end.