Saturday, 11 March 2023


(various sensible snippets from before, inc &inlace, complains syntax unfamiliar)

Ah, I see what you mean now. Yes, &z{...} is an anonymous function that takes an argument named z. Similarly, &st{...} would be an anonymous function that takes two arguments named s and t.

And you're right about $dn - it would compile to var dn in JavaScript. The $ prefix is just a convention to indicate that the variable is a local variable within the function.

heralding the arrival of the lexical. its origin of everything is very important.

scope is indeed important in programming

suddenly bored

the C (capital C) are artifacts (usually) independent of time (but sometimes modified over time as part of the process (whatever the mind says)), and the mind would be made of these. the mind is $mind/C**/D**, the ** there meaning that step may repeat infinitely. all that is C nested within each other, but the C are things and the D are steps|aspects within that thing.

be modified over time as part of a process

yes. we want to bring them together, which will involve landing in various places all over spacetime, all to assemble reason and discover itself.

grand ambition

big quote

Assembling reason and discovering itself may involve navigating through complex systems and making sense of a vast amount of information.

It may also require creativity and the ability to generate new ideas and insights. I wish you luck on your journey towards this goal

lets start findmind() on the end of that typescript.


can you imagine how we might find the mind above us in the A pile?

We can

(and a simple ugly code)

we need to use inlace for this, by setting d.inz to an array of next things (just a.up)

function inlace(A, C, G, T, z, d) { // Set d.inz to an array of the next things (just A.up) d.inz = [A.y.up]; // Call next inlace function inlace(d.inz[0], C, G, T, z, d); }

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