Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Dirty Old Zealand

They say I was surprised to stumble upon the information that in 2022 Aotearoa/NZ imported 3.7 million tonnes of animal feed. Dairy consumed 75% of it and poultry 12%. The worst news is that just under 2 million tonnes of that was from the palm oil industry.

Can we really claim to have a sustainable beef and dairy industry when it relies so heavily on imported feed, much of it from sources known to be unsustainable? #sustainability #globalheating #climate

Tuesday, 27 February 2024


 Lovely pics coming from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)! Here's a preview:

Have a look, each with informative plaques :

That bunch of tarp it's sitting on is sunshield, the telescope needs to operate at extremely cold temperatures (around -220°C) to observe the faint infrared light coming from distant objects in the universe. Yay!

Friday, 23 February 2024

the animal industry

damning criticism
(lifted from reddit)

If you are not vegan, you support extreme agony and violence against other animals without any justification or necessity, and you support the greatest form of climate destruction by far.

And that's no exaggeration. If we implement veganism, we are able to reclaim about 75 % of the land that is currently used to grow animal feed etc. Globally, that corresponds to an area the size of North America and Brazil combined. That itself reduces emissions enormously, but we then can also rewild those vast areas of land. If we restore wild ecosystems on just 15 % of that land, we save about 60 % of the species expected to go extinct. We then also are able to sequester about 300 petagrams of carbon dioxide. That is nearly a third of the total atmospheric carbon increase since the industrial revolution. Now let's say we were not so conservative, and we brought that up to returning 30 % of the agricultural land to the wild. That would mean that more than 70 % of presently expected extinctions could be avoided, and half of the carbon released since the industrial revolution could be absorbed.

So basically by implementing a switch to veganism, we would not just halt but reverse our contributions to global warming. That and it would also be a step towards ending our violence against non-human animals.


the fix
A physical internet (via drive cables, a packet switched gondola network) where you can easily get most of a meal delivered to your kitchen.
I believe it's mostly the complexity of really good vegan cooking that holds people back.
This can be seen in the way the bag-of-chips product often has milk solids added to fatten it up.
The veges can be tastier, but that requires either:
  • Growing such healthy specimens the eater is in awe, wants nothing else
  • Adding other veges - just the right ones, prepared just so...
Which is where "most of a meal delivered" comes in.
Provide the hard stuff like caramelising onions, freshly seared chilli, rendering down and steeping (for a day?) a tomato sauce...
Such a system would have surplus, so it might push food on people in that case.
Quite new world.

javascript variable names may contain hidden characters

 javascript allows[0] this invisible character in variable names... can you see it in your editor?

    let goodbye = 1
    let good‍bye = 2

The Good

In vscode,

In vim,

The Bad

In letz,

In github, which is surprising since a lot of code review gets done via their web interface?

They can be fed to xxd or vim to show you the character again.

Or you can search for ZWJs locally (but not on github?)

s@sa:~/src/letz$ grep -rnP '\x{200D}' src | sed -n 'l'
src/routes/Code.svelte:21:    let good\342\200\215bye = 2$


Vite|typescript will not have it:

But devtools will:

Oh Well

Could be exploited huh? 


Monday, 12 February 2024

Land of Look Behind

a Rasta movie. very good.

About Rasta, with some universal things to witness for all humans.

eg early on the will to progress and conquer clean water and such is laid bare.
